Ask Phone
Used to collect customer's phone number
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Used to collect customer's phone number
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This action is used to collect visitor/ customers phone number. The visitor's response will be saved in the phone attribute. But if users want they can select a new attribute. Here there is a text box (marked in green) where they can provide a specific regex pattern that will be used to check the visitor's response. For example this [ ^(\+0?1\s)?\(?\d{3}\)?[\s.-]\d{3}[\s.-]\d{4}$
] code will only accept US phone numbers.
Number of repeat is the number the chatbot will try when a customer fails to provide a correct phone number for the first time. We can change the message that will be shown every time the validation fails
We can direct visitors to different nodes based on the validation. We can transfer the chat to a new node (marked in blue arrow) when the validation has failed & the number of repeat is also reached (chatbot will give user certain amount of tries to provide a valid number). And if the validation was successful, we can take the visitor to another node (marked in yellow arrow).