Pipedrive CRM Integration with the REVE Chat Omnichannel Platform.
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Pipedrive CRM Integration with the REVE Chat Omnichannel Platform.
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You can integrate Pipedrive with REVE Chat from the marketplace or follow the step-by-step tutorial from below.
If you do not have a REVE Chat account, you can sign up to create an account. Then you can configure Pipedrive from REVE Chat dashboard>>Integrations>>Plugins>>CRM.
Login into REVE chat dashboard
Navigate to the integration menu(green box) using the left nav bar. Then click the integration tab(blue box) and scroll down till you find Pipedrive from the list .
Click the integrate button(yellow box). Before integrating make sure you are logged in to your Pipedrive account.
A side bar will appear, click the connect button(purple box) to begin integrating with REVE chat.
A new pop-up will appear. If you are logged in to your Pipedrive account, your account name will appear with requesting permission to allow REVE chat connect with the CRM.
6. After clicking "Allow & Install" Pipedrive will be linked with REVE chat. Select your preferences by ticking the checkboxes and save it by clicking the "Save" button.
You can go to ‘Contacts’ & Select any contact to find the details and view the transcripts under the comment section. As this account was used for tutorial purpose the contact list is empty.
Any questions? Please email us at support@revechat.com